Social Media: Our Modern-Day Myth of Narcissus

By Giani Boldeanu, Mental Performance Coach

Giani Boldeanu
6 min readSep 29, 2024

In the realm of ancient myths, few stories capture the essence of human nature quite like the tale of Narcissus — the young man so mesmerized by his own reflection that he wasted away, unable to look away. Fast forward to today, and we’ve modernized the myth. Rather than a single reflection in a still pond, social media has given each of us countless, curated versions of ourselves. If Narcissus had Instagram, he’d likely be posting daily gym selfies with captions like “Just doing me. #SelfLove.”

Instead of rushing to judge, we can learn from Narcissus. As a mental performance coach, I help people navigate the pressures of modern life, and social media has created one of the most complex landscapes we all must manage. However, we can use ancient wisdom to rethink our relationship with the digital world and reclaim a healthier, more authentic version of ourselves.

Social Media: The New Olympus

In ancient Greek mythology, the gods ruled from Mount Olympus, far removed from the struggles of mere mortals. Today, that elevated realm is Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, and our modern “gods” are influencers — those perfect beings who seem to live effortlessly glamorous lives. From flawless vacation photos…

